The italian conflict of interest

This week Rosario FIORELLO, one of our best show-man, went from BERLUSCONI's house in Rome – Palazzo Grazioli -. He spoke with the italian Prime Minister about his career decisions… and Berlusconi said: "Fiorello, do not go to the enemy!" ….. Non andare dal nemico …. Someone could think the meaning of Prime Minister's words was: "Please Fiorello, don't go with Walter Veltroni, don't leave me for the left side, they are loosers….".

But Berlusconi was not speaking about PD. Berlusconi was talking about Sky tv…


  • Enrico Neiretti |

    Politica, demagogia, televisione, comici, giullari, attrici, vallette, ministre, calciatori, dimentico qualcuno? Certamente si…
    Il rotocalco gossiparo e il giornale sportivo come mezzo di divulgazione del verbo, la commistione pubblico-privato assurta a sistema.
    E il rischio è davvero che tutto diventi normale in questo paese di lacchè, di poveracci variamente agghindati in fila davanti allo spettacolo del desolante -ahimè solo per noi- circo berlusconiano.

  • Cristina Sivieri Tagliabue |

    Dear Mark, thank you for your english help.. I think the sense is clear and… for the next time, if you want to traslate my worlds, I would be honored and happy too 🙂

  • Mark Vanderbeeken |

    For all clarity: President in Italian refers to Prime Minister, i.e. Berlusconi, who is in charge (“presidente”) of the government. The actual President of the Italian Republic is Giorgio Napolitano.
    With all due respects, there are some more English errors in this text (e.g. “carreer”, “went from” instead of “left”, etc.). Please have it proofread.

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