Sarajevo Queer Festival: doveva essere arte

Ricevo e pubblico la mail di una collega-giornalista che sta assistendo a fatti che non ci si aspettava, ma che forse ci si deve, invece, ancora aspettare, a pochi chilometri da noi… Perché la tolleranza è un dono, e il multiculturalismo, evidentemente, e come dice anche il Papa (strano ma vero, sono d’accordo con lui), una conquista. Non un passo indietro…

Dear friends,

I am in Sarajevo, Bosnia and Hercegovina right now. The First Sarajevo Queer Festival was attacked yesterday night with eight people being injured and several people being attacked and threatened on their way home from the opening night in the streets of Sarajevo.

Please spread the word and look out for any possibility of support you may can offer. The people of Udruzenje Q/Organization Q need our support right now.

Underneath you will find some usefull links. Please take some time and check it out. Thank you!
All the best,


Detailed Article on the attack by ""
Article on the hostile situation before the attack by ""
Appeals of Action by Amnesty International
Festival web site