Donne imprenditrici, e climate change

Domani, a Firenze, si tiene questo incontro organizzato da una conoscente di vecchia data, Laura Frati Gucci. Laura si occupa da tempo di incontri tra donne manager, imprese e politica, ma è anche la comunicatrice che ha seguito la famiglia Clinton quando è giunta in Toscana, per lavoro e vacanze.

L’ho conosciuta nel 2000, otto anni fa, a Firenze. Qui di seguito i dettagli per le "fiorentine" che vorranno ascoltare parere di donne, sul climate warming. Non saranno le "solite" chiacchiere, promesso.

Download conferenza_26_fcem_mail.pdf

The FCEM World Committee, that unites women entrepreneurs from the
different countries that are part of the grand FCEM network of Members,
observers, affiliated, and candidates National Associations of Women
entrepreneurs, takes place every year in a different country.

You are welcome also if you are not a Member F.C.E.M. but willing to
attend and join a special international event for businesspeople and
entrepreneurs. The aim of the Florence meeting is to develop economic
partnerships and exchanges, business to business, to promote
international networking by “business sectors” and to discuss world
struggles related to the economic and social role of  business.

The Conference title is:
“Climate warming and business strategies”: international speakers will share their experiences and ideas in
order to develop solutions to be applied worldwide. We wish to share our know-how in order to help women
entrepreneurs to become icons of the female leadership, in the fi eld
of knowledge, facts, proposals, partnership, cooperation and solutions,
as it is time for women to play a fundamental role in a Century of
rapid changes.